Cats Bill in Parliament

We were approached by our local MP, he wanted to come and see what we did at Animals Lost and found in Kent Ltd. As he arrived he fell quite quickly in love with a cat in our care. We started talking about laws and legislations and he asked what he could do to help.

We explained the situation around cats not being microchipped and that if anyone strikes a cat with a vehicle they don’t have to report it as they would someone’s pet dog. Also we spoke about the microchipping of cats and how we feel it would benefit all owners if it was made mandatory that all cats were chipped by law.

Rehman Chistie decided to look further into this and has spoken to numerous other charities and rescues to get their views on this matter also.

It was amazing news when he got back to us and said that he would be trying his very best to put something in place.

We are aware that a lot of people have been doing petitions and trying to get a law passed to help our furry friends.

Here is one of his posts when he placed the cat bill into Parliament:

Cat Bill

To read about the stages this cat bill is at you can go to this website:

Stages of the Cat Bill

We are so excited that Rehman Chistie has listened to our plight.

You can view an interview on ITV Meridian news Here!

Not for profit animal welfare organisation.

Posted in Found Animal, Found Dogs, Paws In Heaven, Rehabilitated, Reunited
3 comments on “Cats Bill in Parliament
  1. Kim says:

    I support this bill – must be law – all cats must be chipped.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sylvia says:

    Microchip all cats as law much easier to rescue or protect or return these pets should anything happen to them

    Liked by 1 person

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